A basic list of posts and resources to get you started.
If you’ve found yourself here, and you’re interested in game development (and learning to program), I’m glad that you’re here. There are a few things to familiarize yourself with at the start of your learning journey.
We’re going to be using go perhaps for all of our development, at least for most of it. If you’re new to go (or even new to programming, which we’re going to start teaching here), a great place to start is at the Go Tour. This will walk you through the basics of go and programming all inside of your browser.
I’ve been working on a handful of introduction posts to get you started on your learning journey.
This is a basic overview of my philosophy of development. And a section of tools to get installed and ready for following along with the foundational introduction.
This is a walk through of the anatomy of and creating your first very basic go program.
This is an introduction to the core part of a program. Data types and variables, and how to manage memory with your program.
This is a follow up post of the previous, which talks about control flow within your program.
Libraries are a way to leverage other peoples’ knowledge and work within your own program. We will be using a number of them to get our games running.
These resources are not meant to turn you into a proficient developer. In fact, you’ll more than likely be more confused than not after going over them. Programming can be a challenging endeavour.
It is my belief that it is only after multiple interactions with these concepts that you’ll start to understand why they are important. So this content is meant to get your mind thinking about new things in a new way.
I hope you go through the posts above and learn something new.