Ebitengine - The Go game engine

Building Heads Up Display for Your Game How to Add a Health Bar to Ebitengine Games

Jul. 23, 2024 ebitengine ·

In the previous post we discussed some basics of making a Heads Up Display (HUD for short). In this post we’re going to cover the basics of presenting a health bar in part of your HUD. Again, by way of reminder, we’re using the go programming language and the ebitengine game engine. We’re going to be using the vector package from the ebitengine library to draw out primatives. As well as some basic math that you’ve probably forgotten if you’ve learned it, or don’t know it if you haven’t.

Building Heads Up Display for Your Game How to Add Text to Ebitengine Games

Apr. 26, 2024 ebitengine ·

An important part of game development is adding a HUD (Heads Up Display). This helps keep your players informed throughout the game. What are some things that you may want in your HUD? Current Level Score Collectibles status Buffs/Nerfs Other things that are specific to your game If you’ve not been following along with the posts, I’ve been teaching a game development class at a local library. We’ve been building a clone of Sink Sub.

Making Your Games More Immersive Adding Sound Effects

Apr. 19, 2024 ebitengine ·

A big part of making a game more enjoyable is adding in some effects. These could be visual, often times called particles, or they could be audio. Our post today is going to be about discussing audio effects. There are a few steps that I always get mixed up when working with audio in ebitengine. First things first If you’re going to be playing audio in your game, you need to get your hands on some first.

Getting Started With Ebitengine the Go Game Engine

Mar. 12, 2024 ebitengine ·

Hopefully you’ve had a chance to get started with setting up your environment and gone over the basic anatomy of a go program. Those two posts are foundational to getting started with the ebitengine game engine. First off, what is a game engine, especially in the case of ebitengine? What is a game engine When you get started bring your dream game into reality, I’m sure that you’re going to want it to run on as many platforms as possible.