Learning Syntax

Managing Groups of Things in Go: Part 2 Maps

Mar. 30, 2024 syntax · problem-solving ·

Just like our previous post on arrays, it is challenging to talk about these concepts in a way that is meaningful. As an aside, I feel that all programming is like this. A new topic can be discussed, but until a real world applicable situation can be talked about in the same context it means less to the learner, making it more difficult to “get it”. I, personally, haven’t used maps generally in my game development journey.

Managing Groups of Things in Go: Part 1 Arrays and Slices

Mar. 16, 2024 syntax ·

One of the most challenging things for me, in writing these posts, is to cover why something is important. Especially to someone that is just learning and doesn’t have a frame of reference to what we’re discussing. I think arrays and slices fit this challenge well. As conceptually we can cover what an array/slice is, we could even talk about how they are represented in the computer hardware, but until you see them being used they might just not mean much to a new learner.

Learning the Basic Syntax of Go: Control Flow

Feb. 15, 2024 syntax ·

Hopefully you’ve taken some time to go over our previous post, where we talked about data types, variables, and structs. These are important aspects of programming that have connections to many other programming languages (although the syntax can some times be slightly different). Once you’ve understood this aspect of development, it is important to move on and understand what control flow components of your language. This is how you do different things for different situations and separate your code for easier maintenance.

Learning the Basic Syntax of Go: Data Types

Feb. 13, 2024 syntax · beginner ·

Before you can get started in game development, you need to learn the syntax of our language of choice, go. In this post we’ll be covering the basics of go’s syntax. From what syntax even is, variables and data types, and how we represent them in our code. What is Syntax? If you’re anything like me, you’re probably asking what is syntax? When I first started development, I had that question myself.

Anatomy of a Basic Go Program

Feb. 10, 2024 syntax ·

I’m going to do my best to remember what it is like starting out with something new, specifically programming. In the hope that I can cover what is important in enough detail that you can learn from it. But also, not so complex that you just get overwhelmed. But first, I’m going to assume you’ve looked over the previous post, and have set up your environment, if not check it out here.