Intro to programming

Tips and tricks for getting started with programming. And basic techniques for 2D game development along the way.

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What we hope you learn

  1. Tools

    Just like any other profession, tools are important for writing software. You're not just born knowing how to use them. It takes time and practice to get proficient with them.

    • Development Environment
    • Graphic Design
    • Audio Recording/Editing
  2. Syntax

    Don't think you're familiar with the term syntax? You are, it is what governs the rules of the language you speak. Learning to program starts with learning the rules of how it works.

  3. Code Organization

    Just knowing the rules of the language is not enough to get you up to speed. You also need to learn how to organize your code for optimal development performance.

  4. Problem Solving

    Once you've got the first 3 items sorted out, you'll find that you need to improve your logic and problem solving skills to avoid a whole new world of programming errors.